ONDA cofounder, Jeremy Parkin, shares the incredible experience he and his family had with a dolphin in trouble!
On the last morning of an amazing family trip to Costa Rica, my wife and I woke our five young sons at the crack of dawn. It had truly been the trip of a lifetime in so many ways, and we wanted to get to the beach before anyone else to watch the sunrise. We also wanted to somehow say our goodbyes and give thanks to such a beautiful place.
As we sat together on the beach, we spotted a large fin flailing around in the shallow surf. Was it a shark? Was it a dolphin? We couldn't tell. As we got closer we saw it's head come up out of the water. It was definitely a magnificent dolphin!
It was obvious that he was exhausted and disoriented, having probably been beaten up by the surf for quite some time. Our boys had the unique and tender opportunity of seeing such a beautiful animal up close and offering him our help. It was truly amazing and special.

While we were trying to help it out of the shallow, other people quickly started to gather around. Some of us gently attempted to guide our new marine friend back out to deeper water, but he kept circling back and beaching himself. We struggled for quite some time to help move such a powerful animal. At one point, I had to physically hug the dolphin around his torso to try and pull him deeper. In that moment I felt a connection to this magnificent animal that is hard to describe. I could actually feel his exhausted body struggle. I could feel his fear. I could feel his cry for help. What an unbelievable experience!
Exhausted but determined, myself and one other man were finally able to get the dolphin out past the surf. Our dolphin friend began to regain his bearings. Before he started off into deeper water, he circled back and slowly swam between my arm and my chest as if he were showing his gratitude for the help we were so honored to provide.

I will never forget that incredible Costa Rican morning! What a blessing and a privilege!